Saturday 1 September 2018

Mi presento.

Dunque come tutti i principianti mi trovo un poco in difficolta' a rivolgermi a voi e, mi auguro che siate in tanti a leggermi.
Mi presento, mi chiamo Giuliano Manzali, ho 68 anni suonati e sono in pensione dal dicembre 2015, Pero' siccome prendo una pensione da fame, ho deciso che diventero' un imprenditore on line.
Per riuscire a sbarcare il lunario sono venuto a vivere in Indonesia che gia' conoscevo in quanto in passato x lavoro ho speso abbastanza tempo qui ( 10 anni circa).
Naturalmente ho letto un sacco riguardo questa nuova attivita' al punto che mi sento in over dose di informazioni. Quindi suggerisco a tutti quanti gli intenzionati a cominciare di decidere di prendere al massimo 2 proffessionisti x imparare ben bene e partire. Non preoccupatevi se all'inzio sbagliate, nessuno e' perfetto, poi c'e' molto margine. Non so ancora di cosa mi occupero', penso che iniziero' facendo l'affigliato. La cosa che piu' mi preoccupa e' la mia eta'. Sono molto in salute, ma vi posso garantire che non e' mai troppa.
Negli ultimi 12 anni ho studiato una materia che si chiama igienismo, che ho applicato su di me, quindi non andro' a raccontare cose che sono solo teoriche, io ho praticato l' igienismo alla lettera e garantisco che se usato bene, qualsiasi malattia anche le piu' strane, le meno studiate in quanto rare, si guarisce da tutte.
Ne riparleremo se qualcuno mi chiedera' delle delucidazioni.
Alla prossima.


test, sono i primi passi, scusate.

Sunday 8 March 2009

Home Business Idea & Oppotunities Part 2


A lot of my subscribers have been asking questions lately
about the Plug-In Profit Site and if it really works or not...

Well, you have questions... I have answers! :-)

First, let me assure you it WILL work for you.

I know because I have seen it work for THOUSANDS of people
wanting to make a real start.

In fact, I GUARANTEE your satisfaction.

Remember, this system has been working since 2002. The
hallmark of the Plug-In Profit Site is happy customers.

So let's look together at the three things most people want
to know right up front.

1. What you will receive?
2. How soon will you be able to make real money?
3. What will all of this cost?

>>> ANSWER 1 - What's in it for YOU? <<<>>> ANSWER 2 - How soon will you make real money? <<<>>> ANSWER 3 - How much will all of this cost? <<<

I'm not going to beat around the bush here. The cost is LESS
than dinner and a movie for 2 people. Much less.

You read that right ... LESS.

We have laid out every cost, every step you need to take (and
there are only three steps before your site is ready) on
this page:

I *strongly* encourage you to check it out!

Let's talk about what you will NEVER have to do.

* You will never be asked to bother friends or family
* You will never be asked to make "cold calls"
* You will never be asked to hold a meeting
* You will never be asked to make phone calls
* You will never be asked to take phone calls

This is a FULLY AUTOMATED Internet based success system, and
YOUR SITE will be built *for* you within 24 hours.

It's a simple as that.

Ready to get started? The first step is to visit this site
now ...

Yes, this site is iCop and TRUSTe certified for your
protection as part of our commitment to uphold the highest
business, privacy and ethical standards possible.

If you have ever wanted your very own profitable web
business but thought that getting started was too hard or
too expensive you will LOVE what we offer.

If you have ever worried that the Internet opportunity was
passing you by - that you might miss out on what people
rightly call the Internet revolution - then you should know
that TODAY is your day to get started.

If you really do want a site of your own, want to create a
powerful passive income that can not only replace your job
but provide massive amounts of FREE TIME for you to enjoy
your life, then you want what we offer.

Now is the time. You are not reading this by accident.
Take the next step and learn all you need to know to be
comfortable about moving ahead at ...

I hope you join us and look forward to sharing in YOUR
Internet success story!


have many years of experience at helping people succeed
online. And we LOVE to work with "newbies". Ready to make
the Internet work FOR you? Your success story begins here...

Home Business Idea & Oppotunities Part 1



Sure, it's a word. ;-)

It's "The Science of Making Money Online" - and it's helped
thousands of people find their path to online success.

I've made it available to you for free on my website at:

Dotcomology gives you just about everything you need to make
money online for no cost whatsoever.

Why should you pay for things that you can get for free?

I hope this helps !



give you SIX super hot products and build your website FOR
you. All for less than dinner and movie! Why wait another
moment when you can have it all TODAY? Visit us now at: